Caroline Giuliani gets one day of community service for shoplifting at Sephora
Is it boring being rich?
Is it really that tough?
What the fuck are you going through that you have to go to Sephora to steal a hairnet just so that you can get a high? A fucking hairnet.
I mean, what is your name even. Yeah, I know that you are a daughter of Rudy Giuliani, but really, who are you?
Yeah, you go to Harvard, but so do thousands of other unqualified legacy douchebags. With daddy issues. Yeah, I remember when you 'liked' Barack Obama's page when your dad was still in the running for the presidency. But then you unliked it cuz you know who pays the bills. Ack, such a stereotype. Headline: Rich white girl hates her father and is bored with her life so she goes off to steal such loot befitting a prostitute: hairnet, eyeliner...
Oh, jesus, grl, daughter of Rudy, I hate you so much that I have started using white bro insults. 'Douchebags.' Did I really say that? You make me feel like shit and I wish you would die, and all your kind too.
Damn, I be wishing death on a lot of you H.A.M.s You will all kill me, one little death at a time.
I should change my name to the grim reaper.
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