A latino making wise ass observations. Wtf, the title ain't enough? You need a description too!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Cock Block
Bedbug, you are a fucking killjoy.
It is bad enough that I fear for my life every time I appear in public, especially when I am on the subway in the heat of rush hour, pressed against the bodies of countless new yorkers about whom I have no proof of cleanliness. Shiver.
Thanks to you I avoid Brooklyn and Queens altogether. What with hipsters and immigrants, I will not risk it. And as for my mother who lives in Brooklyn, we spent four years apart in college, we can use this time to develop our separate interests.
I can handle all of these inconveniences like a champ.
What I can't handle is how you fuck with my head every single time I plan on fucking.
Think about it, who the fuck wants to fuck? Everybody! When? All the fucking time! Where? ON A FUCKING BED!
You fucking parasite. You got us all by the balls, literally sometimes, I imagine. You know I can't go for long without fucking, none of us can, and you have all the fucking patience in the world, don't you? Lying dormant in beds, no fucking food, for a year. You know we'll break, and then there you'll be, with your damned little pinchers, waiting to claw me as I'm thrusting away, right at that off-chance moment when my balls slap against the bed. Yeah, it be easier to bite me post-coitus. But that's too easy for you isn't you little shithead?
Oh so much, I hate you.
Do you know how many people I've turned down for fear of you? STDs are second on my mind! Imagine that shit, man.
I may have to start thwacking my sexual prey and dragging them into a forest somewhere, maybe central park.
You are the fucking Machiavelli of blocking cocks. Fuck you.
H.A.M. of the Day for August 31, 2010
Caroline Giuliani gets one day of community service for shoplifting at Sephora
Is it boring being rich?
Is it really that tough?
What the fuck are you going through that you have to go to Sephora to steal a hairnet just so that you can get a high? A fucking hairnet.
I mean, what is your name even. Yeah, I know that you are a daughter of Rudy Giuliani, but really, who are you?
Yeah, you go to Harvard, but so do thousands of other unqualified legacy douchebags. With daddy issues. Yeah, I remember when you 'liked' Barack Obama's page when your dad was still in the running for the presidency. But then you unliked it cuz you know who pays the bills. Ack, such a stereotype. Headline: Rich white girl hates her father and is bored with her life so she goes off to steal such loot befitting a prostitute: hairnet, eyeliner...
Oh, jesus, grl, daughter of Rudy, I hate you so much that I have started using white bro insults. 'Douchebags.' Did I really say that? You make me feel like shit and I wish you would die, and all your kind too.
Damn, I be wishing death on a lot of you H.A.M.s You will all kill me, one little death at a time.
I should change my name to the grim reaper.
Reasons to Abort #3
Paris Hilton Told Police She Thought Cocaine Was "Gum"
Parents, gather around.
Bear witness to the hot ass mess before you.
Her name is Paris Hilton, she is an heiress to the international Hilton hotel mega-franchise.
She was a 'model,' attended great schools, all of her friends are famous and/or rich and/or accomplished. She's traveled the world, had television shows and has met dignitaries the world over. She's had meals that would cover the rent on your bungalow for months. By all accounts, this woman has had all the advantages one would dream of having in life.
Still, this bitch can not tell the difference between cocaine and gum.
Abortion would have prevented this major mishap in history. People like this are testament to why we need to exercise control over who is allowed to roam this earth.
Ok, perhaps Paris was at a wonderful daughter and it was not until she grew up that one could patently see that she is a fuck up on the scale of Chernobyl. This is why one should be able to abort their fetus up until that fetus becomes 18 years old.
Paris, this is a harsh measure, but you inspired me to draw up this legislation, we simply can not have another Chernobyl, another Hiroshima or Nagasaki. The human race is still trying to shake off those genetic mutations, mutations which you are all too apt to propagate.
On a plus side, I am sure you have had occasion to take advantage of plan B, and for this we are all thankful.
But, since the media loves you, we are all your spawn in a sense, and that which we inherit from you will retard civilization's progress. You are like creationism, or like those conservative whackjobs who argue against stem cell research...
Note Dodo: Did you know that stem cell research is the most promising source for a cure to your daft-headedness?
Oh, Paris. We should have stopped you a long time ago. But, alas, you are past your 18th birthday. So, please, whenever you crash and burn, call the media, stand at the pillory and present yourself as example number 3 as to why we should abort more readily as a society. You are a very convincing tragedy.
Gaily News for August 31, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
Lindsay Lohan Lands Vanity Fair
grl, Lindsay, no more melt downs this year, ok? grl, I can't take it no more... Ok, maybe just one more? On my birthday? Please...
grl, Outlines Emerge of Future State in the West Bank (grl, I love it when you can the the outline of great things to come, you know what i'm sayin?!)
As a Middle East summit meeting approaches in Washington, some find encouraging signs about a two-state solution in improved security and governance by the Palestinian Authority.
grl, New York Rebounds From Slump, Unevenly (grl, Oh no, grl, slumping is not cute. Get it together New York, or you will be passed up!)
The city has weathered the recession better than was feared, but the view is often bleaker outside Manhattan.
grl, Army Revises Training to Deal With Unfit Recruits (grl, What is it with the slovenliness in today's news? New York is slumpy, recruits aren't working out? We need our troops hot, mmmkay?!)
The goal of a new training program is to reduce injuries and better prepare recruits for the rigors of combat.
grl, Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chips Again (grl, Shrinkage is not cute.)
Researchers are reporting that they can overcome a barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization of computer memory.
grl, Restoring Names to Iraq War’s Unknown Casualties (grl, Is this war over yet?)
A quest to confirm the death of a loved one — a son, husband, father and brother — took years, along with courage and luck.
grl, Lenders Back Off of Environmental Risks (grl, You bedda keep backing up on that thing!)
Some large lenders are taking a stand on industry practices — like mining and deforestation — that they regard as risky to their reputations.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Things Minorities Should Not Do In Public
Minorities, I know.
I know you love your pets, I do.
But, seriously, do not spend countless hours training your dog how to dance the merengue, do not spend your government stipend on a ridiculous-looking and expensive outfit for your dog, and and do not invite your village to view what you so shamelessly have been practicing with your dog in the privacy of your own home for the past three months.
It's downright bestial.
You should be spending that time at home with your children.
Minorities, do not dance the merengue in public with your dog because everybody is just going to think that we love our animals more than we love our children. They think that about us and cars already.
We have so much to learn minorities.
And don't even get me started on this dumb ass dog! Why would you agree to do any of this? For a fucking treat! This fucking dog is just about the stupidest piece of shit I've ever seen. No fucking dignity. This dog really is a hot ass mess. It probably goes home every night talking to his dog family and friends in dog about how he is so famous and well-revered in the human world.
Humans do not respect you and you are sure as hell, not famous.
You are on fucking youtube, a virtual stage for fuck-ups the world over.
Minorities, not only should we not dance with our dogs in public, but we should also stay away from trying to become famous through our sycophantic pets, because the limited fame they do attain will get to their heads, and everybody knows what happens to an overly-proud dog: they hump legs.
Especially when you have guests over.
Minorities. Don't let your dogs hump legs in public. Please. If it is true that dog's reflect their owners sentiments, well then your guests are only right in thinking things about you.
Gaily News for August 30, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
'grl, Snooki's Maybe-Murderous Boyfriend Proposes in the Most Embarrassing Way Possible' (grl, Please make it illegal for these two to procreate. If there is a god, please...)
grl, China Fortifies State Businesses to Fuel Growth (grl, Have you noticed that America is scared of the cultures with the most delicious foods? Think about it, Mexican and Chinese... They are colonizing us from within! hahahah)
While China owes its rapid growth to private business, it is often the state’s companies that are on the march, in part because of state-bank financing and stimulus spending.
grl, Border Sweeps in North Reach Miles Into U.S. (grl, Them Canadians be trying to sneak in!)
Hundreds of passengers are taken into detention each year from domestic trains and buses along the nation’s northern border.
grl, Risk-Taking Rises as Oil Rigs in Gulf Drill Deeper (grl, Things always get too risky when you drill too deep!)
As regulators investigate the causes of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the broader dangers posed by the oil industry’s push into deeper waters have gone largely unscrutinized.
grl, Orange County Is No Longer Nixon Country (grl, Does Obama know that there are such places in our country named after Nixon? Uh-uh, we need to change this.)
Changes in Orange County, Calif., long a conservative symbol, reflect the state and much of the nation.
grl, Powell vs. Rangel: Testy Remake After 40 Years (grl, This drama is better than my daytime soaps.)
Adam Clayton Powell IV and Charles B. Rangel, the 20-term Harlem congressman who succeeded Mr. Powell’s father, have been trading angry attacks.
grl, For Arms Sales Suspect, Secrets Are Bargaining Chips (grl, Sometimes what you see in movies is true.)
Viktor Bout’s future may hang on whether he can trade on what officials believe is his vast knowledge of global criminal networks.
grl, Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites (grl, You know they watching us.)
Ads tailored to online shoppers based on the products they have perused are leaving consumers with an eerie feeling.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Reasons to Abort #2
Spawn can use their talents to spread good will throughout the world and to improve upon our society's negative qualities. Or they can promote obesity and obeisance to that humanity-crushing ideology we call capitalism, like the singing group above, who I like to call, "The Disappoinments."
Could you imagine? Your child being responsible for a McDonald's jingle?
I personally balk at the idea.
People, please abort fetuses more readily, because they are the root of obesity and the ever-growing gap between the haves and have-nots. For a slimmer, more humane world, please, I beg you.
I'm lovin' that.
H.A.M. of the Day for August 27, 2010
Woman Attempts to Dupe Airport Security by Hiding Tiger Cub in Bag of Stuffed Tigers
Stupid fucking tiger. Man, is it just me or are these damn terrorists getting dumber by the fucking day?
Here we have a tiger, who probably wanted to go to Iran to some Al Qaeda training camp, or he was probably on some spy mission in Bangkok, gathering information to bring back home, and his fucking master plan to get through security was to scare a Thai woman into placing him in a bag full of stuffed tigers.
My heart pangs whenever I think of how you probably used that woman's family to motivate her to do such a stupid thing, probably a picture of them all tied up, dirty and bloodied faces.... "Take me across in this bag full of stuffed tigers, or your family is gone," in your stupid tiger-y voice.
And now the world has sympathy for you, cuz who'd think a baby tiger would do such a thing? I do! I know what you are up to!
And this poor woman will probably be put up at chez guantanamo for the rest of her reproductive years. You selfish piece of shit. And the world will be none the wiser, cuz you will probably just start licking your paws whenever anybody gets suspicious, to rankle their critical faculties in your cuteness.
Tiger, you stupid fuck, you are one hot ass mess.
Gaily News for August 27, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
grl, We need to improve our public education system!!! Stat. See above for why. But for real, if I saw her at the club, I would probably organize an angry gay mob to flashdance her off the dancefloor, and double-snap her out the club. OR, she would be my bestie, and I would do my hair to match hers, but with like a chewy chocolate chip cookies theme.
grl, Pakistan Flood Sets Back Years of Gains on Infrastructure (Could you imagine grl, the roads being all busted leaving you with no way to get to the club?)
The destruction of roads, schools and health clinics could further weaken a feeble civilian administration and add to the burdens on the military.
grl, Iowa Town Is Tense as U.S. Ties Farm to Salmonella (grl, How much does inbreeding have to do with the fact that it was probably somebody's sisterwife lost focus at a critical moment in the assembly line of the industrial-size abattoir? Who's pointing the finger at them?)
Some say disease is another reason to detest industrial-size farms, while others see them as an economic savior.
grl, Paterson Misled Inquiry Over Tickets, Report Says (grl, It was a pair of tickets, for real, chill.)
Gov. David A. Paterson misled investigators about how he got World Series tickets, an independent counsel said.
grl, Struggling Cities Shut Firehouses in Budget Crisis (grl, We need to do everything in our power to keep the hot ones employed at all costs. Who else is gonna populate those calendars?)
Fire departments around the nation are cutting jobs, closing firehouses and resorting to “rolling brownouts.”
grl, Behind Scenes of Gulf Oil Spill, Acrimony and Stress (grl, We know how stressful it was, trust, we were there, it was our planet you fucked up, all for greed, you dumb bitch. Chase a real story.)
New information suggests that the process of killing the failed well was far more stressful and acrimonious than the public knew.
grl, Facing Long Mine Rescue, Chile Spares No Expense (grl, Its gonna take them months to extricate those miners...grl, that's a long time. If I were there, I would leave no hymen unturned. Haaay.)
President Sebastián Piñera has staked his nascent presidency on rescuing the miners, sparing no attempted innovation to maintain their psychological health.
grl, Islamic Center Also Challenges a Young Builder (grl, Why are we even having this debate. They wanna open a community center dedicated to peace-making and bridge-making. What's the fucking problem? Ugh, this country exhausts me. I need a martini.)
The developer of a divisive project is new to New York real estate work, which can demand experience and patience.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Reasons to Abort #1
Courtney Love celebrated her estranged daughter's eighteenth birthday a day late on Twitter: "youve done a dammed good job frances of destroying anything i could build." She's a "sell out," and Courtney knows how to "ruiinher." Happy birthday!
There are millions of reasons to abort a pregnancy. Courtney Love is number one.
In this new column I like to call "Reasons to Abort," I would like to bring our attention to degenerate parents and hellacious children across the nation. We should encourage abortion as much as we should encourage drivers to clean their windshields...it prevents us from encountering dangers that lie ahead.
Let's explore why Courtney Love inspires me to abort:
No child should ever have to show up at a parent teacher conference late because its mother momentarily collapsed while driving on the interstate due to a mini-coke overdose. And no child should have to wake up a day after its birthday to read its parent's birthday well-wishes on twitter, alongside a note stating that it ruined its parents life. (But really, Courtney, how much are you responsible for the ramshackle existence you've put together? Really?)
And no child should be judged on the whorishness of it's mother's shame-curdling outfit. Children should be free from judgment, should be encouraged to not become a pole dancer or a cum bucket and should grow up in a household conducive to life extending past the age of 7.
This woman is an argument to start a government sterilization program for men and women. It can be voluntary, but this program would be most effective if it were mandatory for dysfunctional Madeas like Courtney. That her uterus was allowed to reproduce is shameful. We should have sent Sigourney Weaver after Courtney. Sigourney got the alien queen bee. Surely, she could get Kurt Cobain's baby mama.
People! Even those of you who actually like children would agree that all of the Courtneys out there should not be allowed to have children. If we do not stop them, well, it would be like allowing another alien sequel to thrive on earth. Do you want to live in a world with millions of hellions running amok?
I do not. So please, Courtney, and all you would be Courtneys, shut ur trap.
You are the reason why theme parks are unpleasant, why the children of celebrities stuff our twitter feeds with inane shit that distracts us from real news. Devolution, here we go! Sounds like a good title for your next album. It will probably sell millions and become the soundtrack for all of the should-have-been-aborted children the world over.
H.A.M. of the Day for August 19, 2010
To my fans.
Fuck you.
Sincerely, fuck you. I am not your lapdog.
Believe it or not, I do not exist for the purpose of entertaining you. If I miss a day, please stop sending me emails, text messages, & phone calls. I have to wonder about you hos who wait at your computer screens for that missive telling you that ONEWISEASSLATINO has been updated. Ugh. I had no idea that my audience was a bunch of bored middle class wives looking to fill the time between their favorite daytime talk shows. Listen up bougie ass bitches, get a job!
I have a job and I intend to keep it, so the last thing on my mind is this blog. Deal with it.
And now you are all asking me to make you the H.A.M. of the day. Who else has fans that want to be shat on? I'm telling you, you all are quite amazing.
Ugh, don't know if fame suits me. Cuz, I'm all about slapping a silly as ho who annoys me. So, don't test me. Fans, get back, because I am liable to beat you down, like Bjork did the paparazzi. For reading my blog, you are all Hot Ass Messes.
And for some reason, I am sure you will love this post more than any other.
So, in my own way, this is my love letter to you, my fans, you hammy ass hams. Love you.
Gaily News for August 19, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
Ricky, you're gay. This was never news, nor will it ever be.
grl, Civilians to Take U.S. Lead After Military Leaves Iraq (grl, A colonizing rose by any other name is still a colonizer.)
As the United States military prepares to leave Iraq by the end of 2011, the Obama administration is planning a remarkable civilian effort, buttressed by a small army of contractors, to fill the void.
grl, S.E.C., Settling Suit, Accuses New Jersey of Pension Fraud (grl, New Jersey is up to no good, what's new?)
Federal regulators accused New Jersey of securities fraud for claiming it was funding public workers’ pensions when it was not.
grl, Jurors Fault Complexity of the Blagojevich Trial (grl, This is what happens when you ask citizens to perform as jurors. How do you expect to have justice if the people to whom justice is tasked are dumb ass slack-jawed motherfuckers who have been raised in a paltry underfunded public education system? Justice FAIL.)
The jurors, evenly split on some counts, took several days just to figure out how to make their task manageable.
grl, Leery of Washington, Alaska Feasts on Its Dollars (grl, Fuck Alaska. Let it go the way of Texas. Since both have elected idiots to the governorship, they have demonstrated that they are not at the level the U.S. should require of their leaders.)
No state benefits more from federal largess, but a senator voted against the stimulus bill and the governor decries “intrusive” policies.
grl, Despite Scandals, Indian Mining Bosses Thrive (grl, I love anything with the word scandal in it!)
Illegal mining has become a national scandal amid accusations that billions of dollars of publicly owned minerals have been stolen, often by public officials.
grl, Looking for Baby Sitters: Foreign Language a Must (grl, I can just switch out 'baby sitters' with 'a man' and this article would be so me.)
A growing number of New York City parents want caregivers to teach their children a language.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Gaily News for August 18, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
grl, The last thing I ever want to do is put my hands into hipster's bag. Ack! Can we say bedbugs... Not cute. However, I am curious. Luckily, somebody else has done it.
grl, Blagojevich, Guilty on 1 of 24 Counts, Faces Retrial (grl, It don't matter if he was only found guilty of one thing, in the court of public opinion, this man's reputation has been razed like rihanna's bikini line in her 'rude boy' video.)
The judge declared a mistrial on 23 charges, the bulk of the case, after the jury said it was hopelessly deadlocked. Prosecutors promised a new trial.
grl, Iraqi Leaders Fear for Future After Their Past Missteps (grl, these missteps ain't like dancing with someone who has two left feet, okay, this shit is serious. You fear for the future, shit, edit that, have it read, "we all fear for the future." That sounds more right.)
Iraq remains haunted by the decisions of the earliest days of the occupation, when the United States helped install opposition exiles to lead the country.
grl, Given Money for Rehiring, Schools Wait and See (grl, Gaybies are being robbed of their chance to be successful in their futures.)
The money for schools to rehire teachers, counselors and support workers is instead being set aside by school districts worried about cuts to come in the current school year.
grl, A Dutch City Seeks to End Drug Tourism (grl, International crackheads are about to rebel.)
Struggling to reduce traffic and crime, Maastricht wants to make its legalized use of recreational drugs a Dutch-only policy.
grl, Tea Party Choice Scrambles in Taking On Reid (grl, How can such evil people have such a cute name? They need to be sued for false advertising.)
Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, seems to have found a lifeline in his Republican opponent, Sharron Angle, who has stumbled in her campaign.
grl, Study Says Brain Trauma Can Mimic A.L.S. (grl, Is there a way to beat Hasselback bad enough so that she will forget to show up to work, but not bad enough that bruises will show up?)
A study suggests that head trauma can cause degenerative diseases similar to A.L.S. and that Lou Gehrig may not have had Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Gaily News for August 17, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
grl, The ever-so presidential Wyclef Bought Lion-Festooned Carnival Float With Charity Money. You wanna be president? Really? But you are an unqualified, millionaire crook. Actually, Bush, Schwarzeneger...yep, sounds like the guy for the job. Oh, Haiti, when will you ever live down Pat Robertson's belief that you are cursed?
grl,Drilling Permits for Deep Waters Face New Review (grl, don't listen to Obama, you should always get permits and use rubbers when drilling.)
The Obama administration said it would require more review before approving offshore drilling permits, ending a practice in which regulators essentially rubber-stamped projects.
grl, Floods Could Have Lasting Impact for Pakistan (grl, these floods remind me of the devastating impact Justin Bieber is having on teenaged girls' conceptions of beauty and masculinity. Because of him, all women will become lesbian.)
As officials struggle with immediate response to the disaster, concerns are growing about the toll on the overall economy, food supply and stability.
grl, In Bold Display, Taliban Order Stoning Deaths (talibangrl, That is so not a good look for you, for real.)
The killing of a couple who tried to elope was the Taliban’s first public execution since their fall from power.
grl, Deadliest for Walkers: Male Drivers, Left Turns (grl, like I been saying all this time, what good have men wrought out of bed, mmkay?!)
A study of crashes involving pedestrians offers insight into the life on the streets of New York City.
grl, Exclusive Golf Course Is Organic, So Weeds Get In (grl, rich people toke up more than hoodrats, if i'm lyin,' i'm dyin.')
The Vineyard Golf Club, where President Obama is expected to play this month, is thought to be the U.S.’s only organic course.
One White Person I Would Not Let Babysit My Children
Gorilla Head Celebrates Bankruptcy With A Shopping Spree
This fucking man in a red dress... Ru Paul hates you because you are bringing the drag rights movement back 10 years, at least.
First, let me say that I would love a fierce ass drag queen to babysit my children, no matter her race. My kid would grow up to be -- say it with me -- fa-bu-luss! It's sense of imagination would know no bounds, its sense of style would turn heads, it would not take shit from anybody and would get invited to all the best parties.
I have no problem with men in dresses.
But you sir, you are a tragedy. So Tyra Banks talks about how she has a five-head because her forehead is bigger than most. You, Teresa, have a two-head. I see your lineage was not gifted the capacious cranium necessary to facilitate a full-blown human brain. In that sense, you are disabled and I really should not make fun of you.
This could also be the reason why your dumb ass went on a $60,000 shopping spree for house decorations after you filed for bankruptcy.
You stupid ass whore. And now that you are in need of money, you probably are looking for work. Don't, I repeat, do not, come knocking on my door asking to babysit, because I will shut that door on your face in the hope that a) you will get the point and stay away, and b) perhaps such a morphologically-shifting trauma to the head would improve upon your cracked-ass visage.
Stay away from my fucking kid, because you will probably teach it things that will throw it into debt, and there is nothing sadder than a middle school girl offering handjobs for milk money.
H.A.M. of the Day for August 17, 2010
These fucking lazy ass reporters. They can be so insensitive!
White people, let me tell you what people of color see when they look at this reporter's story:
These reporters were told to follow up on a story in the hood. They got scared, but hoping to keep their job in an industry that is folding, and with thoughts on getting a pulitzer - 'cause you know pulitzer loves it when white reporters exploit the stories of people of color - they set forth into the projects fortified by their need for money, power and fame, not, as it is clear from the footage, to help elevate the position of people of color.
Once there, their hope was met with an equal measure of befuddlement on how to get these hoodrats to give them a good story. But, as ever, there is always an Antoine Dodson. And, Antoine is always more than ready to give his two cents. Every hood is rife with Antoines. "Antoine" is always sassy, more often than not, he will snap his neck, his words will be quotable in the worst way possible, his hair is always jacked up, there will always be a multitude of children in the background as if they were bunnies hopping through hilly hood pastures, and more importantly, the reporter never tells Antoine that he should think about how he will appear on camera, about how he will be the butt of everyone's jokes for weeks to come, never once is the word presentable, let alone respectable, conjured.
Readers, please take a look at Antoine's hairdo after the interview. MESS. It was in direct competition with the reporter for the honor of H.A.M. of the day, not his performance in the interview. His new braids look like they have blonde shit streaks running through them. Ack!
No, Antoine, you are free to exploit as much as possible out of this moment because I suspect this is your only opportunity to get out of the hood. Take it!
My hot ass mess of the day are reporters, in general. Listen up you fucking scavengers! Next time you go into the hood to pillage a story from our community, pick someone who will act right on camera, and if you can't find one who you will, please give them a nyquil and wait thirty minutes to turn on the camera. It will soften the crazy-assedness, and will be a huge help to minorities in general.
Thank you.
Run and tell that! Homeboys.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
H.A.M. of the Day for August 11, 2010
Man Tries to Marinate Cat
Cat, you need to learn to let go. He ain't worth it. You need to drop that zero, and get with a hero, mmkay! You know I'm right.
But I can't really blame the guy, I mean, you are chosing to be in this abusive relationship. When are you gonna get some self-esteem and start demanding that your man treat you right? Get it together before it is too late and he starts feeding you to his next cat.
I mean what else needs to happen before you learn to fight for yourself? The fucker tried to cook you!
You clingy ass cat. Get a life, you hot ass mess.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
H.A.M. of the Day for August 10, 2010
Lord have mercy on McDonald's drive-thru workers who are wholly unprepared to dole out the proper penance neurotic customers seek when they kneel before the altar of the golden arches.
Could you imagine being paid minimum wage to subject yourself to the clientele of McDonald's? The only people who should work there are those who can kill with their bare hands, and there should be a sign leading up to the drive-thru window, and a pre-recorded message that is prompted when a car leads up to the menu, and the message should state, "Welcome to McDonald's, before we take your order, we would like to inform you about some exciting changes. In order to ensure a safe experience for our customers and our employees, McDonald's employees are now required to have black belt certification. If you chose to act crazy, we will take you down. (Silence) We hope you enjoy your time at our facilities. May I take your order? And, no, we still don't have any nuggets in any of our restaurants in Ohio. We have chosen to deny nuggets to the entire state until such a time when we believe you have learned your lesson. For that, you can thank that crazy ass bitch who will remain nameless. Nobody fucks with McDonald's. So, what can we do for you today?"
That would be amazing.
And I will add this. I am so happy that the woman who went crazy -
Melanie DuShane - was not of color. White people, listen up, we people of color, whenever we hear that someone has done some crazy shit, the first thing we think/hope is that the person in question is not of color. We are often disappointed to find the truth. But not this time. This time, it's on you.
And a kudos the the employees who resumed normal service immediately after Melanie left the restaurant. Thanks to them, the fat asses of Ohio could collect their daily dose of heart-clogging carcinogens from the comfort of their cars, whose seats are outfitted with beaded lining so as to make the long hours of sitting more bearable.
Melanie, you are one hot ass mess. You need to take up kick-boxing to let out some of your anger. And change up your diet. Not only will you look better, but you will feel better. You are a lesson on the perils of subsisting on a McDonald's diet, and you should dedicate your life to teach children to live otherwise.
Lesson: America, stop eating McDonald's or else you will get mad cow disease.
Especially McDonald's chicken McNuggets:
Monday, August 9, 2010
This Ish Has Rendered Me Unintelligible
This makes me feel like I discovered masturbation all over again.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Things Minorities Should Not Do In Public: Have Parades
Minorities should not have parades.
I am adamant about this.
I think this whenever I attend the Puerto Rican, West Indian, and LGBT parades in New York City, and I had occasion to revisit these thoughts today when I attended the Dominican Day Parade. The tomfoolery I bore witness to alone warrants an intervention by Obama, and a post on this irreverent yet revered periodical of note. I fully expect that after reading the following vignettes, that Obama will enact a decisive, swift and exhaustive course of action, and that my minority readers will join me in this valiant cause, albeit, begrudgingly at first, but, as I suspect, in the end, after you have come to witness how this recommended bout of ascetism is beneficial for us, that you will take this gospel into your hearts and spread it among the ignorant.
We must suppress the public display of pride in minority communities, and this is why:
No one should ever have to come upon an obese woman wearing an over-sized puerto rican flag as a bib with nothing underneath said bib, not even a sports bra to support her ample bosom, a bosom all too apparent whenever she turns to the side, along with shorts that are not apparent at first, considering that her belly flap hangs down further than the length of the flag and shorts.
No one should have to suffer through roving bands of hormone addled teenage dominican males who use unchecked pride as license to unabashedly grope, ogle and cat-call young women to extremes that put their usual lascivious banterings on the street to shame, and, I argue, present legal grounds to claim harassment.
No one should have to sit through ceaseless loud drunken shouting and the fist fights that are the natural aftermath of these prideful events, while commuting on trains which are delayed thanks to the fact that the police are called upon to quell the obnoxious insurrections.
No one, I say. No one.
Where does our sense of common decency go at such times?
Also, no one should accept a pimped out car as a float, a pimped out car with no corporate, non-profit or governmental assignation, a car that belongs to a minority who signed up to go down the parade route. Are these people serious. Yes, they are. And that is my point, we are all too serious about affirming not so flattering aspects of ourselves. Especially in our parades.
No more shall we choose to sit back and allow ambassadors with ball gags, cat-o-nine tails, and leather thongs to clear our paths to legitimacy.
It is entirely inappropriate to express pride as a competition on who can wear their community's flag in the most ungodly of places, and in the public display of the flag's tackiest permutations.
No more stabbing of pregnant teens.
The overwhelming police presence, and the fact that businesses along fifth avenue have covered their storefronts with plywood is not entirely unwarranted, unfortunately. Deal with it. It's true. We lose all measure of rational-thinking when we are allowed a day of pride.
Minorities. We must give up our parades. We are scaring white people and unfortunately leaving an indelible impression which we must all carry everywhere we go, on our shoulders. This is a particularly heavy onus for those of us who have a propensity to be mild-mannered and to dress appropriately. I would hate to not get a job thanks to your aunt's wholly inappropriate behavior and outfit which might shape the way in which my potential employer might think of gays and/or Puerto Ricans.
Minorities, why not take up something more fitting to our goal of getting a piece of the American pie? Why not bridge, golf or chess? This will at least give us means through which to speak with those in power. It will channel your energy in productive and non-offending directions.
Yes we can.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Gaily News for August 3, 2010 - The daily news translated for gay people.
BEWARE: Lesbians are taking over!
Grl, In Speech on Iraq, Obama Reaffirms Drawdown (Grl, I really wish he would draw down, so we can draw up, if you know what I mean! Haaaay! So good to have a hot ass president doing hot ass things.)
President Obama marked the end of the combat mission, “as promised and on schedule,” in a country still finding its way.
Grl, 2 Men Convicted in Kennedy Airport Plot (Grl, you can't even take a nice vacation no more without worrying about crazy ass bombers.)
Russell Defreitas and Abdul Kadir face possible life sentences after being convicted of conspiring to commit acts of terrorism.
Grl, 99 Weeks Later, Jobless Have Only Desperation (Grl, people still can't find jobs. I haven't seen things this bad since Britney was trying to make a comeback album around the time that she beat K-fed's car with an umbrella.)
A tough job market is swelling the ranks of those who have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of benefits.
Grl, For Congress, a New Vigilance in Policing Ethics Cases (Grl, I like my policemens a little dirty.)
The ethics charges against Representatives Charles B. Rangel and Maxine Waters reflect, in part, Washington’s heightened sensitivity to indiscretions by members of Congress.
Grl, In Restive Chinese Area, Cameras Keep a Watchful Eye (Grl, I hope they don't record me when I'm chilling in the boonies with my boo, unless they really wanna see a brokeback mountain.)
Video surveillance is growing explosively in northwestern China, where ethnic Han and Uighur groups took part in the ethnic rioting last year.
Grl, Some Directors Say 3-D Is One Dimension Too Many (Grl, have you ever been to a 3D porno? GRL!)
Several influential directors have criticized 3-D films, but the audiences — and profits — keep growing.
H.A.M. of the Day for August 3, 2010
Ugh. Horrendousness. Aren't children the worst? I mean, like the bane of all existence?
Second only to Jersey.
Personally, I hate children. They sit next to you on the train and muck up your new pants because they insist on kneeling on the seat to look out of the window, they raise hell with their sticky hands, their loud, inappropriate noises, their all-too-honest-and-audible observations on life, and their wanton imaginations which lead their hands to fly menacingly into your air space. And their parents don't say a word to correct their behavior because their children have exhausted their will to live, let alone to discipline.
They seduce you with their adorable ways, ceaselessly, until they have rendered you comatose like a walking zombie. And that's when they attack. They nestle themselves into your watermelons, which is only a metaphor for your bank account, your home, your sense of equanimity, your soul... and they eat you whole, from the inside out, until you are merely a shell of your former self.
A fetus is merely a parasite.
Children, you require way too much attention, you suck up resources, and let's be quite honest, most of you will be less than mediocre, you are hardly worth the investment it takes to clothe you.
Move aside, children, you are mucking up my life, and I've got places to go. Ugh. You hot ass mess. I can't believe I was ever one of you.
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