Minorities, if you are a governor of a state, and you are signing off on legislation that would protect students from being bullied in schools, please, for the love of all things diplomatic, do not admit that you beat the shit out of a kid when you were in elementary school.
This is especially true if no one likes your ass, resents that you are head of state, and you only got the job because the guy to whom you were second-in-command did some shit that was so fucking crazy his ass was forced to resign.
And, you admitted to cheating on your wife, you used to do drugs, and you are under an ethics investigation and one of your closest aids is charged with beating a woman.
And you are blind.
Mi-No-Ri-Tee! Please.
How did you even get near to this job, let alone actually get this job? Affirmative action, what have you done?
Minorities, if you get a job as a governor, please be like Obama, be squeaky clean and don't say dumb shit. If you do not take this advice, you will forever be known as the first and last governor of color in your state.
Do not fuck this up for the rest of us.
Thank you.
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