Refugee Fetus Lobs Puppies Into River
The FBI should really become better at finding refugee fetuses.
This one apparently escaped to Bosnia where she has lived in hiding for many years, and has since, I assume, rampantly puppy-napped freshly-born litters for the maniacal purpose of lobbing them into a river.
What a sick little bitch.
This fetus probably flushed herself to Bosnia once she learned that the FBI was after her.
People, if you have the slightest inkling that your child will become a murderous puppy-launcher, abort!
Everybody knows that puppies are cuter than babies, especially babies who become fuck-ups.
Fetus, listen up. Out you go! OUT! And take the bath water with you.
Puppy, you stay. STAY! Awwwww, so cute.
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