The purpose of this column is to recommend to U.S. immigration hot ass Latino men to whom they should extend citizenship immediately. Beautiful Latino men are a terrible thing to waste. Or detain, or deport, for that matter.
We need to deal with this serious problem of immigration reform now!
Alright first up, Spain's 2010 World Cup Soccer Team. I don't know these guys names, and nor do you. And you probably don't remember any of them, individually. But we do remember them collectively. They were heads above any other team on the planet in terms of hotness.
U.S. Immigration, you can not deny the American public this hotness. We are supposed to be colonizers. We are supposed to espy the best of the world and take it! In this vein, I think that it is an unforgivably egregious mistake to have not granted citizenship to this team yet.
America can not wait any longer while you sit on your thumbs. We want immigration reform today! Alejandro Amnesty NOW!
To see more pictures.
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