Gay Housewives trailer is out. See below to find out why we should put it back in the closet.
This trailer would cause a gay guy to relinquish cock and take that fatal apocalyptic vaginal plummet into hetero-normativity. Ghastly, no?
By the end of this post, I hope to give every subset of gay reflected in this advert a new hole to play with.
If straight people are worried that the exposure of gay people would lead to higher rates of gayness, well then, I ask that you consider this television show, whose side effects include: explosive diarrhea, overly-ornate dressing, tacky-ass accessorizing, bulimia, anorexia, massive defense mechanisms like a hyper-inflated ego to deal with the fact that you are in actual fact a hideous person, both inside and out, so much money as a result of your membership in the gay mafia, the gay A-list, that you will unattentively murder countless people with a dismissive glance, a VIP list, with the use of subtle and blithely, racist and bougie, presumptive clauses in conversation.
This gay drug is not for those seeking highs. It is for all of you who hate gays and are looking for confirmation that gays are indeed selfish, superficial, money-obsessed, racist, nymphomaniacs who are clueless about the real matters in life.
Gay people, are we all auditioning to star in The Hills?
Was there a memo?
Gay housewives is like an overly-lubed freshly-fisted chunnel (chocolate tunnel).
Sloppy, not pleasing and horrifying to look at.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Get this cock out of my mouth! Give me pussy, or give me death.
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