White Jesus! Everybody knows that you are an impostor. And every kid knows about stranger danger.
Not only do I want my children to stay away from strangers, especially those who hide their real identity in order to get control of other people. I also want my kids to correct the lies we were all told in school, i.e., mankind's savior is white. Why are white people always trying to take credit for everything we do, like saving mankind. Yep, white people, that achievement, is ours. We thank you for all else, and we really do appreciate all of your offerings to mankind, but lets face it, all of those are mere baubles compared to what we have done. The uplifting of all earthly souls into heaven! Deal with it!
White Jesus, do you really expect me to believe that a white man would live in his childhood home until he reached 30, would work as a carpenter -without education or certification- in order to support his parents and his band of itinerant homies, all of whom migrated across the border and set up homes in shantytowns in order to make ends meet; had parenst that believed in miracles, like seeing saints and shit in burning bushes, and have a mother who would pretend to have never had sex even though she has a child? No! Jesus was not white. Jesus was Mexican. I'm dying if I'm lying. A hard-working hippy Mexican. With locks.
White Jesus, you are like a particularly convincing Elvis impersonator. We all may walk into your church in good faith, but once we walk in there, we all know something ain't right. And I'm here to tell the people -- It's you!
White Jesus, stay away from my children, or else there will be a whole lot of shaking going on.
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