I adore Gabourey. Why? First, Precious. Have you seen it? Enough said.
Second, she was at Stonewall last night, a gay club in nyc heralded as the birth place of the gay civil rights movement when a bunch of drag queens and trannies beat the shit out of some cops sick on gay haterade.
Anywho, Gabourey was there getting her groove on, adorable as ever, slinging her weave left to right, totally on beat. Each time she'd turn her head, a series of wet strands of hair, on a two second delay, would follow and slap her face. Genius. Oscar-worthy performance.
So, no, Gabourey is not my H.A.M. of the day. She is too adorable. See here.
My hot ass mess of the day was the drunk ass lesbian who kept crashing herself into Gabourey and each time she did so, began grinding against a traumatized seeming Gabourey.
Not to be denied, this drunk ass lesbian kept following Gabourey, and Gabourey kept trying to escape the maniachal lesbian by scuttling to another area of the dancefloor and hiding behind a layer of friends.
The clueless lesbian jumped on stage (yes!) and began dancing on an imaginary pole, then used a chair as a prop like a private dancer at a strip club in a strip mall in the panhandle of Florida, and once satisfied that she garnered Gabourey's, and everybody else's attention, threw herself on the ground and begin grinding the floor while screeching like a wounded animal. You know this bitch thought she was the hottest piece of meat in the market, and that her noises were the siren call to open up all pussies within earshot. Gabourey left. FTW!
I left an hour later. Upon leaving I noticed the screeching lesbian on the pavement, passed out with her friends to her side, attempting to keep her alert.
Gabourey. I love you. And now we have a H.A.M. of the day in common. I feel so much closer to you than ever. Thank you, you H.A.M. lesbian.
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